Sunday, June 26, 2005

Driving to the Airport

Well so it was decided at Ihop that me and Danielle would be able to do all the driving to the airport. Danielle took the cargo car to the hotel at 4 am and then I got there to pick up the singers at 4:30. Danielle was still there so she followed me to the airport. We dropped everyone off and then headed back to Orem. We got to Mindy's about 6:15 and then headed back to the hotel and got there at 7. We picked up the band and then took them to the airport together. I drove up and Danielle drove home. It was so cool!! I mean how many people can say that they drove the Temptations to the airport?? Seriously... hahaha. Plus they sung happy birthday to me cause Adam told them it was my birthday (I guess technically since it was my present...) Me and Danielle met up with Adam at the Scera and took all the vans back and then me and Danielle went back to Mindy's and crashed and about 10 and slept until about 4:30. Oh and me and Danielle went to the bathroom at Adam's house. Not many people can say that either. He actually told us we could crash in his apartment since no one was using it. We actually considered it just for the story. hahaha

It was such an awesome night/morning!! Definitely the best of my life so far! Plus I got a cool Temptations shirt! Hahaha me and Ryan have matching ones! AND i got to see Kelly, Ben, and Brandon!! That was nice cause I never see them anymore! AND Susie is home now!! Well I guess that is all for now. I thought that would take a lot longer for some reason... maybe just cause I left out a lot of detail... haha

Here we go...

Ok here is my Friday and Saturday. I am breaking it up into several blogs so you can all follow along well! Hahaha first thoughI am going to say that I am SO HAPPY that Susannah is finally home!! HALLELUJAH!!!
Friday was closing night of the show. I was actually quite sad! I loved being able to go there and be around the cast. They always made my day better! I got to actually be in the show! That was so awesome to me! I loved being in the whore scene... plus I got to kiss Will... hehehe so there was definitely no harm in that! After the show we all kinda just hung out for awhile and I got home about 2:30. Because of my lack of sleep (Thurs I didn't get home until 5:30 am and I only slept for about 5 hours, if that) I slept in until 1 on Saturday! It felt so dang good!! I got up and got ready and then went shopping with Ryan. Then I went over to the Scera and kinda hung out until the concert started. I went out to dinner with my parents too, which was fun. Then came the best night of my LIFE!! Yes I am not even exaggerating, of my life. The Temptations concert!! Me and Danielle had seats in the fourth row and center. They could not have been better! Thanks Danielle that was the best birthday present of my life!! I danced the whole time, I wish I could have stood up the whole time though without the people around me freaking out. Oh it was so awesome! That was the best concert, hands down, that I have ever been to!!! And then they started singing My Girl. I lost it. I actually started crying. Oh how sad and pathetic, I have always kinda made fun of people that cry at concerts and stuff cause I always thought it was ridiculous! But here I was totally bawling when they started singing. Oh my gosh I was just so happy! After the show I got to meet the Temptations! And Adam got them to sign a picture for me! He is one of my new favorite people (more on that later). Then I went with Danielle to drive some of the band to the hotel and then I went back to the Shell and helped clean up.

After that Adam took me and Danielle to Ihop to get something to eat and discuss the driving schedule (Ryan if you count Lesa as a date then I am counting that night with Adam as a date, that means I am up to 4). We sat there and I was very amused with Adam... and then the ketchup came. Me and Danielle just busted out. It was so HILARIOUS!!! And then I mentioned osmething about this little ketchup bottle that Otis has for breakfast that morning and Adam thought I wanted it cause Otis touched it. Then he said "Ellie look I'm touching the ketchup" oh the thoughts that brought to me!! And then he said "Look now it is Adam's ketchup" Oh man if he even realized....He is actually quite fun to hang out with!

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Date #3

So my date tonight was not that great... first of all a bunch of people were supposed to come and it was gonna be a big group thing. We it was me, Dennis, Janna, and Ray. Yeah, I know...
So I picked up Dennis, we got to the theater, we watched the movie, we left the theater, Dennis went home. That was basically it. He seemed pretty hot to trot. Oh well no big deal... Still counts as a date... Sorry Ryan no kissing... hahaha
This is the first time I have been to bed before one for a week!! YAY!!

And She's Off...

This will be my most interesting blog to date!!
Monday- Not my best day! Went to the show and everything was working out great!! After the show a bunch of us were hanging out in the parking lot talking. Eventually it ended up being me and Will. I have had a small crush on Will since Day 1. He is a pretty cool guy. So we sat in the back of the truck and talked. Then we walked through the park, and talked. And finally we ended up in the truck, and talked! It was so awesome! The night totally flew by and before I knew it, it was 5:40 in the morning! People were getting up and going to work! It was getting light! I tracked the moon from one side of the sky to the other!! Crazy! So I really wanted to just stay but I had to get home (I don't think the parents would approve... haha) So I got home right at 6. Just before my parents get up for work!! Hahaha it was crazy!
I woke up at about 1 ish and got ready for work. Headed to work and worked right up until the show. Today was payday thank goodness! I had such a great day cause I was still on a high from the night before/morning. hehe I went to the show and had an awesome time as always. Then after the show I went with Mike Leavitt to Dave McDougal's studio. I had asked Mike questions about how the whole process works and he invited me over to watch him work. So he showed me the ropes. It is so incredible to see how all of the instruments are put together by a keyboard and a computer!! It was so awesome! We left there at about one (I rode over with Mike so he was taking me back to my car). Well we sat in the parking lot for awhile and then he asked me if I wanted to go for a walk. So we went walking through the park.... hehehe and then ladies and gentlemen, I recieved my first real kiss!! YAY!! I kissed 26 year old Mike Leavitt!!! Crazy!! So we ended up kissing/making out for about 30 minutes... it started to get a little out of control so I told him that we better stop. I was very proud of myself for being able to do that. So we walked back to the car, he kissed me again, and then told me that he had been wanting to do that for 2 weeks.... aaawww cute. Anyways and then I came home... Dang these past couple nights have been so different!!
So I think that is 2 dates down and 6 to go for the summer! And tomorrow night I have another date with a guy in the show named Dennis. We are going to see the Longest Yard. He is so fun so I am excited. Mike told me that I better not make out with him... haha but now I wonder what me and Mike are. Like I kinda want to think of it as just fun and not really a serious thing. I was thinking about it on the way home I realized that while I totally think Mike is awesome... I don't know if I'd want to seriously date him... ugh I guess I shoulda figured that out before I let him kiss me. Plus he is 26, that is 8 years. I don't know I guess we will see how it works out! But now I am really not a VL!! Wahoo!
I am so wiped out cause now it is about 4 am... and I actually need to get up for work tomorrow. Hahahaha I have been lazy lately! No more!! So there is my last two days! I will keep you posted on the rest of the week!
I have to say first though that I am really sad that the show is almost over! I loved going there every night and being able to see those people! I am definitely keeping in touch with all of them!!

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Sunday-Not my fun day!

Dang what a boring Sunday!! It is such a nice day and I want to go out and play football or something... however I am lacking something very important... people willing to play... hahaha sad! Let's see what is there to talk about today?
Um....... I am starting to wonder what the heck I'm gonna do in the fall.... I have no clue what I am studying at school and no clue where I am going to work when I get back from Hawaii... aaahhh Hawaii! I will be there in exactly one month!! I don't think I have ever been so excited or relieved to be going on vacation ever!!! Wierd!
I got a call from Kelly Coombs the other day... I was excited... she was asking about Kelly Clarkson... I am really excited for that! That weekend is going to be so much fun! I have decided that I'm not gonna run on the 4th like I was planning.... kinda bummed about that but I'll get over it. I just don't have enough time to go running to prep for it right now. Plus Katie was thinking about running the 10K instead of the 5 and so that would be good for her to go do... I don't really know what that had to do with it... haha oh well. I really think we all need to get together and look at our schedules so we can plan out our roadtrips/camping trips. I guess most of them will have to be after Hawaii cause everyone will be done with their plays and stuff. And plus we need to wait for Sue to get back to plan it all out!!
Last night was wierd. I have really wierd conversations with the people in the show. Sometimes I regret those conversations afterwords... I guess I am kinda like Danielle because of that... not cause I say anything mean... just cause it seems like the stuff we talk about is wierd... I don't know how to explain it.
Today I cleaned a lot. I feel bad cause I am always helping out at the Berry's with no complaints but I am never home to help out here. I always help Danielle do dishes and I will help carry in groceries and clean the bathroom and one time I picked up the whole basement alone (I know, I am wierd). And then I will come home and not want to help out or clean or I will complain. So today I did all the dishes (without being asked, mind you) and I am doing laundry stuff (technically that is my job). It feels good! I even made cookies (they are dang good if I do say so myself!)
Huh... I feel like I have something important to say to you all but I really don't (I don't think...) I miss Kelly Hennessey a lot!!! I am super excited that she gets to go to Canada though! That will be awesome! I really think that we need to go get some shaved ice again Kel!! Maybe you can get some hot Mexi boyfriend in a pimpin van or something... or you could take a bus ride... hehehe
I totally spent like $100.00 dollars yesterday... It was ridiculous! I don't even know where it all went!!
I went to the new Texaco (where New Burger used to be) and I pulled up and was taking my dear sweet time in the car. Then Danielle looked over at me and was like "What the heck?" So I looked out my window and there was this kid totally sitting right outside my door staring in and smiling at me. It scared the crap out of me! It turns out they pump your gas for you there... hahaha it totally threw me off!! Quite amusing though.
Hmmm and I was reading Danielle's blog about feeling bad about saying stuff and I was thinking about it. I know exactly what she is referring too (I don't remember if she actually put that in there) and I don't think she should feel bad at all! I think that stuff like that should be said! Cause if things bug you then I think you should let your friends know what they are! I don't think that you should feel bad afterwords and I think if your friends make you feel bad, then they aren't being very good friends... and that is all I have to say on that subject!
Hahaha here is the end to another totally long blog! I like that Chris has a blog now cause his get kinda long too so I feel like i'm not the only one!!

Life as we know it

I feel like I haven't seen anyone for ages!! Even though I spent all day with Danielle I feel like I havne't seen her for days! And I hardly ever talk to Ryan it seems like! Geez and I haven't seen Kelly for so long... or Chris. And I saw Aj today for the first time in like a week. Not to mention I only see my dad once a week if I am lucky... Ugh I don't like this! It sucks a lot. I am starting to get into a wierd mood... so I think I am done for the night before I say something incredibly rude/and or offensive! The last thing I need right now is to get into a fight with my friends I never see anyways!! Ugh and I miss Sue so much!!! It feels wierd without her around (and by the way Sue... you probably won't believe me but I am telling you anyways... you so did not miss anything exciting while on vacation!!)

Friday, June 17, 2005

Movies and Plays

Ok well so I went and saw two pretty fabulous movies these past two days!! On Wednesday night I went and saw Mr and Mrs Smith with my friend Summer (who I am going to Hawaii with). It was so awesome! Not the best written movie but funny and quite entertaining (Brad does not hurt a thing!)
Tonight after the show a bunch of the cast went and saw...Batman!! (*gasp* sorry danielle!) I have to say that is my favorite Batman movie! It kicked butt! It was never to slow and Christian Bale has to be one of the most gorgeous people ever!!!
Haha besides my movies nothing much has been going on... I got a sunburn today from working outside! I love working out there! I wish that it was my job like it is Ryans!! I am so jealous! My job is so boring and too easy so I feel like I am wasting my time. That is why it is so hard for me to work! I hate it! I am just glad that I will be done in a month... now I will have to go find another job... ugh!
Let's see I guess that is really all that is going on... I have to say that I am very glad that I am doing Pimpernel! I have so much fun everynight I am there and the cast is AWESOME!!! I love hanging out with them!! They are such funny friendly people (there are exceptions... we have a Barbie girl who is a brat and we have a couple wierdos but hey they are still fun!). So I am really glad and I will be sad when the show is done! Hmmm I guess that is it for now...
I have been thinking about stuff I want to do this summer... it will probably never happen cause I have no on e to do it with.
1. Bike down to the canyon (or in the canyon)
2. Go to Lake Powell
3. Go on a road trip to wherever
4. Hike the Y
5. Hike to Timp Caves
6. Run the 5k (I am planning this one but I am scared cause I haven't had a chance to run this summer)
7. Go to Lagoon
8. Go to 7 Peaks
9. Go to the zoo
10. Do something super spontaneous and different!

Oh and of course get my 8 dates... haha what is my count now... oh yeah still have 0. haha oh well we will see about that one!

Wednesday, June 15, 2005


Ok here is my next blog! I have to say that things have been wierd lately!! Like a lot of people have been telilng me stuff that I have never known before about myself and it is kinda wierd to hear it all of a sudden... and hard to believe too!! It is nice to hear it but like I said kinda hard to believe. Random... anyways...
So I am so stoked for Kelly Clarkson and the Temptations!! AAAGGGHHH I am so excited!!
Lately I have been so happy! I don't know what the deal is! I just have been in a fabulous mood all the time!! Maybe it is cause I have more friends... or cause it is summer time... or cause I know I am going to Hawaii in like a month... or cause I have been getting graduation money (that technically I should not be spending cause I am so in debt!!) Ugh debt... that sucks bad!! I really want to get out by the time I go to Hawaii so I can come back with a clean slate and buy a car, and move out ;) yeah right!! haha
Ok and now I am going to tell you all that I love you SO much! I don't tell you guys that nearly as much as I should (or not nearly as much as everyone else does...) But I really do love you all! Even when I am bugged at you or when I am mean... I do it out of love!!!
Ok I am done, mark this down as a record short blog! Oh and I totally miss Sue!!


Ok so everyone else is actually updating pretty well lately so I thought I'd get on board!! Lets see first of all I have been thinking about Chandee's friend who died and I have been thinking about stuff. Like just how you are with one person one second and then the next second they could be gone... completely gone! It is such a scary thought and one that I don't think anyone can grasp unless it actually happens to them... even when it does happen I don't think it is easy to understand!!! I think that it makes you appreciate people more!
I have also been pondering my kiss list... and although I am ok with anywhere and everywhere I do have a couple week spots... or things that I would love to have replicated... a lot of these are similar to Danielle's so sorry... but I think they are the same for a lot of girls... And these are in no specific order (of like preference)

1. On a football field (preferably a large one, right after a game)
2. In the rain
3. Under the stars (whether camping or not)
4. Under fireworks
5. On the beach
6. During a sunset
7. In water of some sort (preferable a large amount of water, waterfalls are good)
8. In a car wash
9. Somewhere really public (fountains at Gateway- good example)
10. In Central Park, on the Great Wall of China, top of the Empire State Building, on the Eiffel Tower, in Rome (I grouped these together as one cause I figure they are highly unlikely to happen, but it would be awesome to kiss in/on one of those monumental places!)

So that is my kick butt list... hahah Ugh how come all of my blogs end up long? I don't know whatever! I am going to blog again in like 2 seconds so things get broken up a little!

Wednesday, June 08, 2005


Ok well so here I am like a loser blogging at 1:30 am.... why am i doing this you may ask? Because I was ditched. And this may be a mean blog but I don't really care right now. So there were plans set to have a sleepover at Sue's before she left to Europe. The plan was that after rehearsal we would have a sleepover with us and Danielle. So I get done with rehearsal and I get a call... don't go to Sue's house cause they aren't there. Well I knew they went to Aaron's earlier but I figured since it was 1 am that they would be back... um no, they weren't. So it was basically a call to say, "sit at home and wait for us to call when we get to Sue's. Who knows when that will be but just wait for us to call." Yeah I don't think so. We had plans and I am not going to wait up until who knows what freakin time so I can go down there. Even if I did wait until 3 am I would go down there and just fall asleep so it would just be a waste of gas. A waste that I am not willing to make at this point. Too damn bad. That is my blog for the day. So I guess the moral of the story is, don't make plans cause people can't keep them. Ok so I guess some people do when it is important enough or they care enough. Obviously that does not apply in this situation.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Stuff (This is a lame title!!)

So I have kind of figured that the only people who read my blog are Danielle, Susannah, and Ryan... Sad, not too much of a following! I don't even have Kelly reading... oh well. So I like the definition of Sports (see Danielle's blog) I thoughroughly agree and I think that in that definition many sports do not cut it. I really feel like playing football and I cannot wait for the season to start! I am also very excited to go to Hawaii!! And I ahve decided that the night before Kelly Clarkson we should go stay in a hotel up in SLC. That way we are up there already on Saturday and it would be fun... However we will have the young ones too... and so maybe we can just have Chris Money pick up Kelly and Katie on his way up... hahahaha...But it would be fun to stay up there.
Let's see I don't know really what I want my subject to be... I am really excited to go donate blood on Wednesday! So here is the deal... Lets leave here between 2:30 and 3... 3 at the absolute latest. We can go up and donate blood but we have to get back pretty soon cause that is opening night of Scarlet Pimpernel... and then I figured you guys could come to the show cause I have free tickets. It would be fun!! I guess that is what I would like to do... so RSVP... hahahaha
Ummmm I am really ready for a road trip so I think we need to plan on St George at the beginning of July!!! It would be fun! This is a really boring blog... sorry!
Oh I really loved Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants!!! I thought it was pretty dang good! And I cried... kinda proud of it too! hahahaha But I could definitely see that again! Ok well I guess that is good for now! Don't want to make it too long or I will lose followers (Ryan) hahaha jk!