Friday, July 29, 2005

I'm done!

Ok well I have decided I am just going to leave everything and move out here to Hawaii... Just chill on the beach 24/7. Sorry everyone... see you in a few years. If that. Forget school, a job, my family, everyone. I'm finished with it all. Starting fresh!!
(Oh Chris you seriously will have to move out here!! It is so awesome and beautiful! The humidity isn't even bad at all!!! Oh and how did you find out my secret? Who spilled?)

Sunday, July 17, 2005

HAWAII Here I come!

Well this will most likely be my last post before Hawaii... oh man I am so excited!!
So my dad thinks I should cancel my trip. So I can learn a lesson about not having money or something of that sort. Yeah... thats not gonna happen!! Thank goodness I have my mom! So I am going with my mother's credit card to Hawaii!! Nice. I just have to be careful and not make it worse then it already is.
Tomorrow is my bikini wax... I have to say that I am completely terrified!! Well that should be an experience!!! haha
I was packing tonight... I found a lot of stuff I forgot that I have. I found a couple pairs of shorts!! That was incredibly convienient!! I needed some shorts too! It is kind of wierd to be packing everything up. Cause I basically am taking everything with me.
I don't know. I guess there was really no reason to blog... I am just a little bored!!
OH and Amanda comes home on TUESDAY!! Dang I miss that girl!! Where is everyone today? I am actually online for once and no one else is!!

Saturday, July 16, 2005

3 Days on the Countdown...

Oh my gosh I go to Hawaii in like 3 days!! And I finally found a swimming suit (yeah it was 70 bucks but hey I finally found one that isn't a bikini!!!) I talked to Chris $ the other day... that was fun!! I miss seeing Chris... and everyone!! Sue especially... ugh what the crap... anyways... I have told almost everyone my secret... except Ryan (hehee)
I have decided I really don't understand my father and I don't think I ever will. I can really see now why I've never been close to him. It is a sad thing. I mean I totally love my dad and I would be so sad if he wasn't around but sometimes he says things that just don't make sense. That really don't seem fair to me. I don't know... am I a really self absorbed person? Are the only things I care about money and myself? I never really thought so but apparently my dad does. He thinks I shouldn't go to Hawaii, get a refund on my ticket and stay home and work cause I have accomplished nothing with my summer. Whatever.
I feel a little wierd cause I basically asked Adam out on a date today... ok not really but it felt like it. He asked what he could do for me for putting up posters. Honestly all I want is a good dinner at the Outback or something. So I told him that. It was a little wierd. Luckily Katie helped me with posters so it's not like it is me and Adam (thank goodness!!!). So we are going to the Outback on Monday night!!
I talk to Josh a lot... It is actually a lot of fun and he is a really cool kid. He told me that if I ever come down to St George I can crash at his place which is awesome. We are gonna hang out when I get home from Hawaii. He really is a sweet kid and when he texts me he says the nicest stuff... k sorry none of you care...
Ummm what else is there? Oh I really love the OC so much!! This past week I have been working on getting through Season 1. I borrowed it from my friend. There are 7 disks and tonight I am watching the last 5 episodes. Ugh I love that show ans it makes me want to go live in Cali. Sad... but hey it is evjoyable. I stay home everynight and work on getting through a disk or so. It's fun. It is my bonding with Meri.
Ok well I guess that is all that I have to say. Not too exciting but hey I thought maybe you all would like to be updated on my life since I don't see any of you anymore!! Oh and I think every one needs to comment (not only on my blog but evreyones) and blog more (*cough* Danielle *cough*). Well I'm off to a BBQ at the Gallaghers...

Tuesday, July 12, 2005


How boring is life!! Ugh... lately things have been so wierd!! I registered for school yesterday. It is wierd to think that school is starting up again so soon!! I'm taking English 2010, Math 1050, Intro to Theatre, and a Business class... oh and Institute. I think that it will be a pretty fun and ok semester. Not too hard. Things don't really seem to be turning out the way I thought they would though... Not the way I thought they would at all... funny how that happens...
huh... Who knows what is going on... lately I have been feeling odd... kind of lonely!! Actually really lonely... I talked to Amanda today for about 30 minutes. Maybe more. That helped a lot! I miss her so much and i'm not going to see her until I get back from Hawaii cause she gets home the day I leave... who knows maybe I'll see her in the airport... haha yeah right... I need something but I don't know what it is... besides money at least... ugh ugh ugh... why does money have to be a necessity. Huh...

Friday, July 08, 2005

I have a secret!!

Ok well I can finally blog again cause our dumb internet is actually working now!! Hallelujah!! Well I guess there isn't much to say... everyone already knows and has blogged about it. Lets see... I'm a whore now apparently. I figure we were just kissing so it is not as bad as it could have been. It was actually kind of fun!! Don't really regret it. I just feel bad that everyone sees it so bad. Ok like 4 people see it as bad and the rest of the planet sees it as normal. Something happened to me on Thursday night that none of you will ever find out about unless you ask the right questions!! hahahaha Muahahahmuahah (that is my evil laugh). I am practically grounded for the rest of my life so most likely I won't really see any of you until I get back from Hawaii. I was almost going to get stuck at home and then I would have seen all of you a lot more then I would have expected or wanted. Hahahah cause no offence but I would much rather be in Hawaii then here in PG. Almost lost that one. I actually would have gone anyways. With no money, but I would have gone!
Oh I finally got money from my grandpa so now I have paid off all my debts to my mother!!! YAY!!! One step closer to financial freedom. Although there was a small glitch in that the other day.... I got a letter from Jon today! I was excited!! I'm going to see Dark Water tonight. I am pretty psyched about that.
Ryan you did great in the show last night. I still am trying to figure out why you have a blond mustache and dark brown stubble... hehehe jk. And those flowers you got Megan were beautiful! And very sweet of you! More points for Ryan on the boyfriend scale!! hahaha I guess that is all I have to say!! 11 more days till HAWAII!!!!! YAYA!!!!! I am pumped!!

Saturday, July 02, 2005


Ok so Dave called me to be the sound assistant for Crazy for You... I said yes cause I really need the money... now I am really regretting it though. I just lost all my nights until I leave for Hawaii... all of them. Ugh!! I probably should tell him nevermind. Oh but I need the money!!! Plus everytime I hear the intro music I think about Mike and I feel bad. Why do I think about him? Cause I watched him put together all that and so I heard it about 50 million times. Huh...
So my "date" with Dennis went so good last night!!! He really freaked me out cause we were talking about all the people in Pimpernel and who liked who and he asked about Mike (he had no idea anything happened). So anyways then we got into the car after mini golfing and he asked if I was uncomfortable with the situation and I told him I wasn't at all. Then he looked straight at me and said "I really like you a lot." It was quiet for a couple seconds. I was thinking "you have to be freakin kidding me!" I had no clue what to say. Then he started laughing really hard and told me he was just kidding but he had to do it!! Apparently the look on my face was pretty entertaining! Yeah he thinks he is so funny!! hahah it actually was. So anyways then he said that he saw us as friends and that was all. I was so happy!! He asked if that was ok with me and I told him that it was more then ok! That that was all I wanted to be! So we had a blast and he is now one of my definite hanging out friends!! He is my new sports buddy! We have already figured out that we are going to have hanging out nights at least once a month. We will have a sports night, a movie night, a food night (yum!), and then a random night (like just ride scooters, or go swimming, or anything spontaneous). So I am really excited and happy that I have a fun, normal guy friend to hang out with!! He is a lot of fun! You guys will like him!
Let's see what else is there that is going on... Oooo I leave for Hawaii in 18 days!!! I am so stinkin pumped!!! I guess that is really it for now!