The Best Two Years...

Well it was a good two years. It's sad that it is over now, sad that it had to end like this. But at least it was good while it lasted.
There were a lot of fights, but a lot of laughs. There were a lot of movies... A LOT of food. A ton of money spent. A lot of gas wasted. A lot of boys stalked. A lot of boys fought over.
There was a lot of butt slapping and wrestling. A lot of late nights and sleepovers. A few early mornings. A lot of singing, plenty of dancing.
There were a lot of hugs and a lot of understanding. It is sad that it is over but it was great!
oh and i look horrible in that picture and you look cute. what the?!
Does it have to be? I know it's up to me alot but does it have to be?
sad it sounds like you just ended it there ellie. dont just drop this like it doesnt mean anything to ya.
well, this is proably one of the dumbest reasons to end a friendship in history. But in my opinion you guys have let it go too long if someone was going to apologize it should have been forever ago. Because to me this just show that niether of you care enough. Or right now you guys would be together. Hey and when me you and danielle were best friends! oh remember those days? when i got dropped like that why didn't i get a blog like this
Because Hil you were never dropped... not by me at least!! I still love you and I have no problem with you and I hope you don't have one with me!
i think you should grow up a little it kind of makes me sick
Holy cow. Why is it like this? I don't understand. Grow up! You guys are best friends! Why are both of you acting like fifth graders? Get over your petty differences, both of you. One of you mature enough to humble yourselves and start it over, because obviously, the other is too proud to do anything about it. Come on guys. Get serious here.
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