Sunday, November 13, 2005

Man things have been crazy busy lately!! I have been going straight from school to work, to work, then to bed! It is stressful but I love it when my life is busy. My weekend was a pretty good one.

Friday was really laid back. Work wasn't stressful... we actually had an ice cream party. haha Then I went to opening night of the show. That was easy. I need to start taking something to read with me. After the show I came home (amazing I know! First time home before like 1 AM on a Friday!). I caught up on some email and stuff and watched the OC from Thursday and then I went to bed. I was actually asleep before midnight!! What is the world coming to!?!?! haha

Saturday I did some errands and caught up on some sleep. I went out to lunch with my dad. It kinda resulted in the usual lecture and such but it wasn't too bad. We actually talked about a lot of important stuff. Todd called me during lunch to see if I wanted to go see a movie with him and Kevin but since I had the show that night I couldn't. So he told me to call him after the show (more on that later). Anyways, after lunch I did some homework and then my mom took me shoe shopping. Which was great. After shopping I went straight to the show. That went like usual. After the show I called up Todd and headed over to his and Kevin's place. We went to grab something to eat at Chili's which was a blast. I love hanging out with those guys SO much! Me and Todd were trying to figure out if our waiter was cute (he really wasn't but Todd thought he had nice arms. haha) Then we tried to figure out if another waiter was gay (he totally was). It was just a fun night. We talked about so much stuff (besides the waiters). It is so refreshing with them to be able to talk about mature things. After dinner we headed back to their place and Kevin sat down and started playing the piano. So I just sat there and listened to those two sing and play they piano, which I could totally do FOREVER!!! I love it when they sing! So we hung around and talked a little bit more and then I left so they could go to bed. Todd had meetings and crap up in SLC today and Kevin... well he's just Kevin. haha So after I left their place I called Sheila cause I promised I would. We ended up going to Ihop cause she hadn't eaten all day. We scoped out some cuties and talked about what had been going on. We witnessed a waitress dealing drugs which was interesting and explains a lot about that waitress (about a month ago when I was there she fell asleep in the middle of taking my order... she didn't look tired she look more like she was high, haha). Well after that I dropped Sheila off and headed home. It was an interesting night.

Today I went to all three meetings by myself (I was so proud of myself!!) Then I came home, took a nap, ran to Debbie's to grab some stuff, and now I'm working on homework. So that is basically my weekend for ya!


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