Thursday, May 26, 2005

So I graduated today!! Thank goodness! Thanks to everyone who came that could!! I missed those of you who couldn't come! So I have decided after today that I am definitely curling my hair more. Like I have tried curling it in the past and it looked like butt. But I figured out that it is cause my curling iron was/is stupid. So I am going to get a new one. I am sure you all really care about that. Let's see I am so stinkin bored!! What a lame way to spend graduation night... at home, by myself. Everyone else is working. It always ends up like this!! The nights that I can actually be out all night (literally) and that I look pretty hot (at least I think I do), I end up at home. Ugh!
Oh so here is my random occurance for the day! I checked my email and it said that I had a new message on myspace (I don't go on there anymore unless I have an alert that says somthing is going on. and those are few and far between). So anyways I go to my account and I have an email from Mitch. Yes Mitch the B**** who ditched me during Wizard and then totally ignored me. He said, and I quote, " Hey stranger whats up?" Ok what the crap? Like I texted him after he totally stood me up and I got nothing back. and now all of a sudden he is talking like I haven't tried to talk to him or something! AAAGGGHHH why are boys stupid?! Anyways that was my random.
Oh and something else kinda wierd happened. Like I was thinking about getting my Seventeen Magazine and it came today in the mail... wierd... maybe just to me...
Ok well I guess that is all for now. Oh the tickets came in the mail today! So Kelly Clarkson is official!!


Blogger Susannah said...

Ah, thoughts are that he probably found a new chick and as soon as she realized what a dork he is she dumped him so now he is running to his fall-back girl (you). Don't let him pull it off, Ell; you deserve way more than to be some ditcher internet guy's fall-back! (And to be some horny afro-ed pre-mission guy's booty call--regardless of his supposed "hotness". Don't stoop, Ellie, don't stoop!)

Love ya, have a great day! I love when you post regardless of if it is boredom-enduced rambling or on a specific topic! Update more often :)


5/27/2005 9:46 PM  
Blogger Ellie said...

Well thanks Susie I will try to keep my deservedness (I know thats not a word but I couldn't think of a real word to express my thought) in mind when I am looking for a boyfriend. It is kinda hard when nobody is really wanting you that ways and the only guys that do want you for the booty call... ugh boys are stupid!! And I will try to post more!

5/28/2005 1:43 PM  
Blogger Danielle said...

someone wants you for booty call? haha jk i love you ellie! what would i do with out you?!!!

5/30/2005 11:54 PM  
Blogger Danielle said...

oh and i sooooo agree boys are so stupid! ewww gosh they bug me!
i wish i had some good advice like sue but um it is me and i am dumb so what so sue said and more of it!

5/30/2005 11:55 PM  
Blogger Ellie said...

Well thanks a lot Danielle... maybe lots of guys want me for booty calls... geez... and it is Jay so I guess that isn't sayin much!

5/31/2005 5:04 PM  

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