"Good communication is as stimulating as black coffee, and just as hard to sleep after."-Anne Morrow Lindbergh

I am finally getting caught up in school!! YAY!! I think I did ok on my math test today too. That was a relief. Anyways...
Lately I have been having really wierd dreams. Normally I don't remember my dreams but lately I have been and they have been wierd. The people in them are people that I don't know very well, but I notice. So a couple of the guys in my business class... that type of thing. Wierd. I have been texting in my sleep too. Hahaha I think I should take that as a sign that I am texting too much. I did it during Aida with Jaymz. I actually sent him messages while I was asleep. And they totally went along with the conversation we were having. So this past week I woke up and my phone was on the floor by my bed. I was thinking that was wierd but I figured I just knocked it off the table by my bed. Then I was talking to Sheila and she mentioned that she text'd me the night before. But when I woke up I didn't have any new texts. So we just figured that her phone was being retarded as always. But later that day I was going through my phone and I found the message she was talking about. I opened it in my sleep. I didn't text her back the way I did Jaymz. But it was wierd!! haha
Last night was fun. I finally finished up a paper and got all caught up on homework. Well all my mom's Young Women started showing up at the house so I knew I needed to get out!! Well Todd invited me over to watch a movie with him and I had to pick up some stuff from him anyways so I went over and we watched one of the Star Wars movies. It was fun!! I'm gonna miss him SO much when he's gone!!! Me and Kevin are trying to figure out ways to sabatoge him. Maybe we'll tell the guys out there that he is a crack head or something. haha It is awesome that he is going to have the opportunity but man it sucks!! Oh well I guess this is what life is all about.
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